[Axl] annotate vs. anotate

Francis Brosnan Blazquez francis at aspl.es
Tue Dec 19 18:41:36 CET 2006

El mar, 19-12-2006 a las 09:21 -0500, Elliotte Harold escribió:

Hi Elliote,

> In English, "annotate" has two n's. There are several API calls that 
> spell it with one as "anotate". This should be fixed before release.

Certainly, this was a mistake I've realized just after releasing Axl

Due to our policy to not change any public API that was released, I
could only add a C define to support both namings, and flag the
documentation with this issue.

In any case, thanks for your comment Elliotte!

Francis Brosnan Blazquez <francis at aspl.es>
Advanced Software Production Line, S.L.

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