[noPoll] Issue with using Secure Sockets client connecion (wss://) from Windows
Kale, Rahul
Rahul.Kale en barco.com
Mie Sep 9 03:34:33 CEST 2015
I am facing an issue with using noPoll library for Secure Websockets (wss://)
client connection on Windows platform. Basically, the first connection from
the same binary works but subsequent connections do not work reliably.
When I tried to debug the issue, by enabling logs, the problem goes away.
Strangely, if I install my own log handler with an empty (do nothing)
implementation, the problem also goes away.
I have been trying to track down the problem the past week and finally have
something to report.
Firstly, I have isolated the code (see below) to the bare minimum below for you to reproduce the
issue. The code makes 100 back to back connections in a loop and exits the loop
early if it fails. This code rarely lasts for 2 or more loops. However if you
enable logs (setting nopoll_log_set_handler to true) or install a log
handler (using nopoll_log_set_handler), it will make 100 successful connections.
Since logging did not help, I ended up compiling the noPoll source myself for further
debugging. Since I am using VS 2008, I had to fix the code here and there to get it
to compile and also had to add __declspec(dllexport) to most functions in the header file.
By adding trial and error printfs I narrowed down the spot when it fails.
Whenever the connect fails, the SSL_connect() function errors out with
SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL at around line 756 in nopoll_conn.c.
Assuming that there is some timing issue (since logging adds just enough delay),
I have put a temporary fix as a workaround which fixes the issue: I added
a nopoll_sleep() just before SSL_connect() like so:
nopoll_sleep (10000);
while (SSL_connect (conn->ssl) <= 0) {
I am sure you will find the root cause and have a better fix.
Here is the sample code:
#include "nopoll.h"
static void noPollLogger(noPollCtx *ctx, noPollDebugLevel level, const char *log_msg, noPollPtr user_data) {
// Do nothing here
int ConnectToWebsocket()
noPollCtx * context = nopoll_ctx_new();
//nopoll_log_set_handler(context, noPollLogger, NULL);
nopoll_log_enable(context, false);
noPollConnOpts * opts = nopoll_conn_opts_new();
nopoll_conn_opts_ssl_peer_verify(opts, false); // disable cert verification
noPollConn * connection = nopoll_conn_tls_new(context, opts, "", "443", NULL,
"wss://", "tunnel-protocol", "some-origin");
bool connected = true;
int count = 0;
while (!nopoll_conn_is_ready(connection)) {
if (!nopoll_conn_is_ok(connection)) {
connected = false;
fprintf(stdout, "Info: Waiting for connection...\n", count++);
if (connected) {
fprintf(stdout, "Info: Connected!!\n");
else {
fprintf(stdout, "Failed websocket connection\n");
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, "Done Loop %d\n", i);
return 0;
Rahul Kale
IP Video Systems
Barco, Inc
1287 Anvilwood Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Tel +1 408 400 4238
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