[noPoll] Una problema en nopoll_io.c

Stephen Davis stephen.davis en lumet.com
Lun Feb 29 21:51:59 CET 2016


Lo ciento, pero si inento explicar esto en espanol lo sera muy complicado.

I am having an issue and my program recievs a segmentation fault after a period of time running. I have not been able to define it as a number of messages sent/received or number of bytes sent/received or a certain amount of time. I always receive the segmentation fault at the same point in nopoll_io.c . Below is my setup and stack trace when I receive the error.

Hardware: Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
OS: Rasbian Wheezy
Linux Version 3.18.7-v7+
gcc: 4.8.3
nopoll: 0.3.2.b232<http://www.aspl.es/nopoll/downloads/nopoll-0.3.2.b232.tar.gz>

nopoll_io_wait_select_add_to(...) nopoll_io.c:153

A segmentation fault is thrown at line 153 of nopoll_io.c and I am not sure what is causing the error. Tienes algunas ideas?


Stephen C. Davis
Electrical Engineer | Lumet, A New Vistas Venture
(530) 941-7678 | stephen.davis en lumet.com<mailto:stephen.davis en lumet.com>

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