[Valvula] MOD-TICKET -- some notes about configuring it
Francis Brosnan Blázquez
francis en aspl.es
Lun Feb 23 15:22:19 CET 2015
El lun, 23-02-2015 a las 14:49 +0100, Laurent RAYSSIGUIER escribió:
> Hello,
Hi Laurent,
> I’m a brand new valvula user.
> I’m interessed by mod_tucket module that I found here :
> http://www.aspl.es/valvula/html/valvulad_mod_ticket.html
> I’ve installed valvula, and I think it works J
> root en smtpmailing1:~# valvulad-mgr.py -o
> Module: mod-ticket
> root en smtpmailing1:~# valvulad-mgr.py -l
> Listen:
> Mod: mod-ticket
> I have added valvula to postfix with this command line :
> valvulad-mgr.py -c smtpd_data_restrictions 3579 first
> I’ve restarted postfix ….. and now ??
> How can I tell parameters to valvula ?
> I can’t find doc about it.
Uhmn..I'll update documentation to fix this. For now, use the following
1) First, you'll have to create the set of plans to apply to your
sending users. For that,
connect to the valvula database and insert them like:
mysql> INSERT INTO ticket_plan (name, description, total_limit,
day_limit, month_limit) VALUES ('You plan name', 'description', 100000,
3000, 10000)
2) Now, with that plan created, create a rule that binds this plan to a
sending sasl user
like this:
mysql> INSERT INTO domain_ticket (sasl_user, valid_until,
ticket_plan_id) VALUES ('test en limited.com', -1, plan_id)
...where plan_id is the id inside ticket_plan table and -1 is that you
are making this rule to have no limit in
time, allowing the user to consume without time ilmit. Otherwise, place
there an unix stamp epoch indicating when
that user should be blocked even through there's still quota available.
...and that's all.
You don't have to restart valvula after including modifications or
updates into the MySQL database. Valvula
will notice that this is available on the next incoming request to be
> Have you a web site explaining parametrers or database structure for
> this module ?
Not for now. I'll update the module with these notes.
Best Regards,
> Thanks.
> Best regards
> Laurent
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