[Vortex] Vortex listeners and threads

Philip Kovacs kovacsp3 at comcast.net
Mon Jun 12 20:26:48 CEST 2006

Francis Brosnan Blazquez wrote:
> Another way to stop a server is to call to vortex_listener_unlock, which
> will produce the caller to vortex_listener_wait to be unblocked, then
> perform all resource deallocation (of your application) and then call to
> vortex_exit. 

Let's assume I have an application that starts 5 listeners on 5 ports.   
At some later time, I wish
to stop only one of those listeners, but keep running the other 4.   Is 
that possible?   I don't
wish to call vortex_exit, I just wish to stop a listener and continue 
with the others.  Note
that this is not a real scenario, I just wish to know if it's possible, 
i.e. starting and stopping
listeners "dynamically."

Another question I have is this:   is there any need to start a listener 
on a separate thread?
I am specifically interested in situation where the application is 
operating both as a client
and a server.  Should I start those listeners on a thread if I want to 
use the main thread
for other purposes?
> However, in serious SO, you don't really need to call to vortex_exit,
> mainly because your kernel will get all memory allocated by your
> application, even if you didn't deallocate it. vortex_exit function only
> deallocates all memory used by Vortex Library.

I know that all application resources are freed when a process 
terminates.  Let's move on.

>> In the example server code, the 
>> vortex_exit()
>> function, although indicated, is never really executed, correct?
>> // use this thread, since no on_ready() indicated.
>> vortex_listener_new ("", "3000", NULL, NULL);
>> // this is the last executed program statement, right?
>> vortex_listener_wait();
>> // never executed
>> vortex_exit ();
> It is always executed. However, it could happen that a previous call to
> vortex_exit have already done, in another thread, doing the vortex
> shutdown process, so the next call to vortex_exit does nothing. 
You are speaking hypothetically and I was asking about the specific 
example above.  In this code
above (taken from the documentation), once the  vortex_listener_wait()  
is executed, the program
will not execute the next vortex_exit ().   The little server program 
must be stopped with CNTL-C,
or killed. 



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