[Vortex] hang on quit -- "we still didn't received all replies" over and over

Jens Alfke jens at mooseyard.com
Sun Apr 6 06:34:14 CEST 2008

I've improved my app to politely close its open Vortex connections  
when it quits, instead of just dropping them; but now it usually hangs  
if there's an open connection. When this happens Vortex keeps logging  
the following to warnings, about once a second:

vortex-thread: timeout reached for conditional variable (system call  
pthread_cond_wait finished)
vortex-channel: we still didn't received all replies for connection=3  
channel=20 (MSG 0 != RPY -1), block until all replies are received

I've let this run for several minutes but it never shuts up.

I want to close connections cleanly, but I can't have my app hang on  
quit. How can I get around this?

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