[Vortex] ackno in SEQ is not correct?

Oleg Cherkasov ocherkasov at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 16:23:40 CET 2008


I am having problems to marry beepy and vortex (1.0.12 or the last from CVS).

The first problem was in beepy's mimeEncode() implementation, I have
replaced the method.  It took me a step close to have beepy talking to

The second problem is SEQ messages coming from beepy Initiator (echo
like client) towards vortex-simple-listener.  Attached log
(vortex_vs_beepy_local.txt) from listener shows fatal error from
vortex complaining about SEQ frame has seqno reference value wasn't
used.  Quick fix in beepy helps to make it work
(vortex_vs_beepy_remote.txt).  The fix uses remote (vortex listener)
sequence number rather locally tracked one.

RFC3081 says in section "3.1.3 Processing SEQ Frames":

o    an acknowledgement number, that indicates the value of the next
      sequence number that the sender is expecting to receive on this
      channel; and,

My question is about how to make interpretation of RFC3081.  Shall it
be local number from beepy initiator or remote from vortex listener?
It is easy fix in beepy however it would be nice to know if vortex
implementation is correct.

Does anyone run interoperability tests of vortex against other BEEP
implementations?  Like beepcore-jave and beepcore-c?  My experience
beepcore-java works ok against vortex, beecore-c seems to work however
it proves to be unstable to me.

BTW does anyone interested to have Solaris 8/9 port of vortex and axl?
 It seems ok however I did some updates preventing crashing of AXL and
Makefile.in files updates to make it place nice with other compiler
then gcc, Sun Workshop 6.0 and Sun Studio 11 compilers.  I need to
merge updates against CVS version and patch it if anyone would have

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