[Vortex] [PATCH] Make libvortex-1.1 compile under msvc

Benoit Amiaux b.amiaux at ateme.com
Tue Jan 22 17:13:47 CET 2008

Francis Brosnan Blazquez wrote:
> The chunk about vortex_log and vortex_log2 was not included. I don't
> remember but under some obscure configurations the "..." declaration (or
> something similiar) is not supported making not viable to disable vortex
> log. The same happens to axl library (axl_log.h).

How about the following check then ?
MSVC 2005 perfectly support macros with variable arguments BLAH(...)
and I'd like to keep being able to disable logging.
Btw, you're right, I forgot to do the same in AXL.

Amiaux Benoît - b.amiaux at ateme.com
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