[Vortex] Crash in vortex_tls_start_negociation_sync

Jens Alfke jens at mooseyard.com
Tue Mar 4 17:02:13 CET 2008

On 4 Mar '08, at 7:27 AM, Francis Brosnan Blazquez wrote:

> vortex_channel_send_err is provided to enable sending BEEP ERR frames
> which may or may not include XML content, just like RPY or MSG type.
> This depends on the profile you are implementing.

Ah, OK — I was thinking yesterday that all ERR frames needed to use  
that XML schema. (The O'Reilly BEEP book doesn't say anything about  
the content of ERRs.)

But now that you explain, it makes sense that (a) the content is  
freeform, (b) channel 0 uses a particular XML schema, and (c) there's  
API in Vortex to create and parse that schema. Thanks for adding that  
to the docs!

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