[Vortex] PATCH: set transfer encoding correctly in __vortex_channel_get_mime_headers

Jens Alfke jens at mooseyard.com
Fri May 9 21:17:39 CEST 2008

There's a typo in __vortex_channel_get_mime_headers that causes it to  
send a non-default content-transfer-encoding incorrectly. It instead  
sends a truncated version of the content-type. Looks like this was a  
copy-and-paste error where the string 'mime_type' was not replaced  
with 'transfer_encoding'.

My vortex_channel.c still has local modifications, so I won't send a  
real patch, but the changes are pretty simple and I'll just include  
the block before and after the fix. This is at line 506 in my sources.



	/* check for the Content-Transfer-Encoding header configuration */
	if (transfer_encoding != NULL && !axl_cmp (transfer_encoding,  
"binary")) {
		/* add mime Content-Type: entity header */
		memcpy (buffer + size, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ", 27);
		/* add mime type value */
		memcpy (buffer + size + 27, mime_type, strlen (mime_type));

		/* add trailing \x0D\x0A value */
		memcpy (buffer + size + 27 + strlen (mime_type), "\x0D\x0A", 2);

		size          += 29 + strlen (transfer_encoding);
		headers_found  = true;


	/* check for the Content-Transfer-Encoding header configuration */
	if (transfer_encoding != NULL && !axl_cmp (transfer_encoding,  
"binary")) {
		/* add mime Content-Transfer-Encoding: entity header */
		memcpy (buffer + size, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ", 27);
		/* add mime type value */
		memcpy (buffer + size + 27, transfer_encoding, strlen  

		/* add trailing \x0D\x0A value */
		memcpy (buffer + size + 27 + strlen (transfer_encoding), "\x0D\x0A",  

		size          += 29 + strlen (transfer_encoding);
		headers_found  = true;

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