[Vortex] Flushing ANS on a channel

Skye skye at F4.ca
Wed Oct 22 23:33:38 CEST 2008

To recap:  In my app, the listener sends a MSG and the initiator sends a
bunch of ANS and a NUL then closes the channel.  (BEEP RAW syslog profile).

I'm seeing in practice though, the the listener is receiving a variable
number of ANS messages when the initiator pumps out the ANS messages as fast
as it can.  I assumed vortex_channel_close() would block until all queued
messages were sent, but maybe that's not the case?  How can I flush/drain
the pending message queue for a channel?

In fact, I'd like to be able to drain the outq periodically anyway, because
I can see if I just send_ans in a tight loop (say a million times) the
memory usage goes up quite dramatically ;)


View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Flushing-ANS-on-a-channel-tp1365841p1365841.html
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