[Vortex] Migrating from 1.0 to 1.1

Francis Brosnan Blázquez francis at aspl.es
Mon Apr 27 19:50:08 CEST 2009

> Hi, 

Hi Robert,

> is there a "lessons learned" or "how to" for migrating source-code  
> based on vortex 1.0 to version 1.1? I thin the future and way to go
> is  
> with version 1.1

In general the API provided by Vortex 1.1 is really similar to Vortex
1.0 so you can easily migrate by going into a session of change and
compile steps. 

In general there are no new estrange concept introduced in the 1.1 API
apart from creating a context (VortexCtx *).

It should be *really* easy to migrate a working software using Vortex
1.0 into 1.1 series...

> At the moment I haven't bite the bullet to move to the new release.

;-) We are using it (Vortex 1.1) as default for all software we are
doing since nearly one year ago so I think people won't find surprises.

Another issue to keep in mind is that Vortex 1.1 includes interesting
features not available in 1.0 series (HTTP proxy support, context based
API, pull single-threaded API, library separation, etc).

Francis Brosnan Blázquez <francis at aspl.es>

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