[Vortex] Re-2: Re-9: Connection close problems during "file transfer"

Francis Brosnan Blazquez francis at aspl.es
Fri May 28 11:33:33 CEST 2010

Hi Ralf,

Here is the win32 build [1]. I've being reviewing the instructions set
used to build vortex and how they apply to current mingw project status
and it seems they have reorganized all packages....

Let me check this issue to send you updated instructions. Keep in mind
I'll send you unix like instructions, which makes me thing you should
consider building vortex directly using VS.

For that, I think the following "general" instructions should do:

1) First you have to build libaxl. For that, you have to:

  1.1) Rename src/axl_config_win32.h to src/axl_config.h 

  1.2) Define HAVE_VSCPRINTF variable to make axl stream to
       have access to vscprintf function.
  1.3) Keep in mind that for vortex you only need content build inside 
       src directory. 

  1.4) Inside axl source, you have an libaxl.sln VS project. You can 
       use it as starting point, but it is not checked.

2) To build vortex base library with VS it is only required to have a
working libaxl build. It depends that libaxl is build with an
axl_config.h that fits the platform (that's why we provide
  2.1) To build TLS extensions you'll have to download OpenSSL binaries 
       from [2] and provide appropriate location to your VS build.

  2.2) To build SASL extension you'll have to download GSASL binaries 
       (1.0 rev2) that are also provided by Vortex project at [3].

Because we are not used to VS, I can't provide you more precise
instructions. In any, I can help you with any error you may find while
building your setup.

I'll keep you updated Ralf. Cheers!

[1] http://www.aspl.es/vortex/preview/wobe/vortex-installer-1.1.5-4395-4395-w32.exe
[2] http://www.openssl.org/related/binaries.html
[3] http://sourceforge.net/projects/vortexlibrary/files/
Francis Brosnan Blazquez <francis at aspl.es>

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