[Vortex] Rebol Script-Binding / Callback Problem
Francis Brosnan Blazquez
francis at aspl.es
Tue Mar 15 10:24:31 CET 2011
Hi Sam,
In cases where the language/gui does not support a global lock, I think
you can integrate vortex by using a VortexAsyncQueue [1].
That is, you just configure vortex handler as usual, and when they are
called, you queue that "event" into the thread safe async queue [2],
using your favorite representation...
Then, you only have to install a idle or timer handler at the
language/gui in cuestion checking for events in the queue, by calling to
[3]...and because that checking is done at the thread that called the
init the language/gui, it should work..
[1] http://www.aspl.es/fact/files/af-arch/vortex/html/group__vortex__thread_gb014e56551835c906bbb473e41cb99d5.html#gb014e56551835c906bbb473e41cb99d5
[2] http://www.aspl.es/fact/files/af-arch/vortex-1.1/html/group__vortex__thread_g28ba5a9be1dc425501a445e4b25940c4.html
[3] http://www.aspl.es/fact/files/af-arch/vortex/html/group__vortex__thread_g144d9bbc8dc875b6da7d7359e8818a49.html#g144d9bbc8dc875b6da7d7359e8818a49
> > 1. Is there a way to run Vortex without multi-threading?
> Most interpreter cores don't support multithreading in a way that's at
> all helpful with libraries like vortex. Python is exceptional in that
> it does, with a global lock.
> I tried to bind vortex into lua, which I suspect has the same
> structure as rebol (which I've looked at briefly, but years ago,
> thought it was dead, actually).
> I think the only way to work this is to write a multithreaded library
> that implements a single-threaded interface to vortex, and where all
> callback responses are queued up to be handled by a single thread, and
> that single thread interacts with the interpreter core. Doing this and
> exposing the full vortex API is hard, but if you limit your API to a
> small set of interactions, it might not be too bad. You'd basically
> "post" requests to your lib, and "pull" responses back from it when
> it's ready.
> You can try to use swirl as a base, if you _really_ want this in
> rebol, its based on the non-threaded beepcore-c:
> https://github.com/sam-github/swirl
> IMO, the easiest way to use vortex/beep from rebol or any other
> language would probably be to write an http/json-rpc server that
> gateways to beep. Most languages allow parallel interactions with http
> servers (usually using poll, or other event notification facilities)
> natively, and you could take advantage of vortex's beep
> implementation. Of course, you'd have to find an embedded C or C++
> http server library, but those exist.
> Cheers,
> Sam
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Francis Brosnan Blázquez <francis.brosnan at aspl.es>
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