[Vortex] [ANN] jsVortex 0.4.1 "Uprising at trantor" release is ready!

Francis Brosnan Blázquez francis at aspl.es
Mon Mar 21 08:29:37 CET 2011

                     >>>> jsVortex 0.4.1 <<<<
                    Uprising at Trantor release       

>>>> Release note

  Advanced Software Production Line is proud to announce jsVortex
  0.4.1 "Uprising at trantor" release: an Open Source Javascript BEEP

  jsVortex is a Javascript BEEP implementation that is specially
  designed to run in the context of a web browser, turning it into an
  effective BEEP peer without too much effort.

  Check out the following links to get ready with jsVortex:

    - http://www.aspl.es/jsVortex
      [jsVortex homepage]

    - http://www.aspl.es/jsVortex/docs
      [jsVortex API documentation]

    - http://www.aspl.es/vortex
      [Vortex Library homepage, used to validate jsVortex]
    - http://www.sf.net/projects/vortexlibrary
      [Source download]

    - http://www.beepcore.org
      [BEEP Core community web site]

>>>> This release in short

  First release with complete support for Firefox, Internet Explorer
  and Google Chrome using the new java socket connector.

  Many API updates and general improvements making jsVortex more
  usable for production environment.

  Updated packaging to release the product into a single .js
  compressed file for fast download.

>>>> Changes from last release

* [fix] Documented VortexConnection.channels attribute.

* [new] Updated VortexConnection module to include a method to get
  channels by uri or using a function that acts as selector. Updated
  regression test to check its function. API added:

   - VortexConnection.getChannelByUri

* [new] Updated VortexChannel API to include a method to check if the
  channel is ready (no pending replies to be received). Updated
  regression test to check function. API added:

    - VortexChannel.isReady 

* [new] Added support to configure a per message frame received
  handler on a particular channel. This allows to provide a particular
  function to handle a particular reply to outstanding message
  (channel.sendMSG).  Added regression test to check function
  introduced. Nice!

* [fix] Fixed bug while handling per message frame received if it is
  configured for the first message. Updated reg test to reproduce the
  problem and check the first introduced.

* [fix] Fixed bug causing to not call per message frame received if a
  global channel frame received is not configured.

* [fix] Fixing VortexConnection.onDisconnect documentation. Making
  method to return -1 on failure (rather than false).

* [fix] Committing initial code to implement a socket connector using

* [new] Several updates to the java socket connector. Now it is
  possible to receive per socket log notifications, message content
  and open notifications using WebSocket API design.  API added:

   - onopen (event notification)
   - onlog  (event notification)
   - onmessage (event notification)
   - send (operation).

* [fix] Fixed Makefile to find the appropriate plugin.jar file on the
  current system. Updated documentation notes to allow people to
  download, compile and sign the .jar created.

* [fix] Changed JavaSocketConnector status attribute by readyState.

* [new] Added close method and onclose notification.

* [new] Added global variable JavaSocketConnector.isReady which is
  updated by the java applet to notify that it was loaded.

* [fix] Making socket listener to be started at the end of the socket
  creation to avoid firing onmessage before onopen.

* [fix] Fixed read handling avoiding readline use. Now the socket
  listener read the content available without checking for end of

* [fix] Updating VortexTCPTransport class to support more transport

* [fix] Updated reg test to check new number of profiles expected.

* [fix] Applied some cleanups to make BEEP engine to send client
  greetings instead of waiting for server greetings.

* [fix] Added some modifications to make TLS to initiate client
  greetings exchange after TLS handshake.

* [fix] Updated regression test to allow the user to select which
  transport type to use for the regression test. Added initially Java
  Socket Connector and nsISocketTransportService.

* [fix] Added initial code to support JavaSocketConnector inside
  regression tests.

* [fix] Fixed regression test panel size.

* [fix] Updated JavaSocketConnector send method to also require
  content length to be sent.

* [fix] Added default onclose method inside JavaSocketConnector class
  to avoid onclose exceptions.

* [fix] More updates to the regression test to use
  JavaSocketConnector.  Now first 5 tests are completed without
  problems. Nice!!

* [fix] Updated VortexTCPTransport to include initial support to use
  JavaSocketConnector class.

* [fix] Making JavaSocketConnector.send operation to not implement it
  directly but queue the request as a command to be implemented by the
  applet main thread (SendCommand) avoiding blocking the caller until
  the send operation is done.

* [fix] More reg test updates to make jsVortex to also support

* [fix] Added invokecommand class to implement java to javascript

* [fix] Implemented VortexTCPTransport close notification using java
  socket connector onclose notification.

* [fix] Added micro wait until socket listener is started to avoid
  user javascript that configures onclose, onmessage and onopen
  handler not be executed.

* [fix] Added several updates to properly run all regression test
  until first TLS test. NiCe!!

* [fix] Updated index.html and testConnect.html applet load to include

* [fix] Updated Java to Javascript marshalling to not use setTimeout
  but call.apply directly.

* [fix] General update inside JavaSocketConnector class to check how
  many callers are inside the applet to prioritize its thread rather
  than the applet thread to implement as close as possible Javascript
  execution model. Added code to configure lower priority for the
  applet thread.

* [fix] Implemented missing onlog and onclose inside reg test.  Now we
  are able to fully run (without problems) all tests without including

* [fix] Added initial support for TLS handshake inside Java Socket
  Connector applet.

* [fix] More updates to complete TLS support using
  JavaSocketConnector.  Still more work required.

* [fix] More updates to TLS support for JavaSocketConnector.  Updated
  VortexConnection.js to check transport reference after TLS failure.

* [fix] Making JavaSocketConnector ssl exception to flag the
  connection as closed.

* [fix] Finished initial fully working implementation of
  JavaSocketConnector which nows passes all jsVortex regtests
  including TLS support. NiCe!!

* [fix] Added initial code to detect TCP transport selection from the
  regtest user interface.

* [fix] Finished support to properly select transport to use at reg
  test user interface.

* [fix] Fixed bug at JavaSocketConnector causing "not connected" event
  to be not notified. Added code to fire onopen flagging readyState to

* [fix] Fixed firefox enableTLS support to return a boolean status.

* [fix] Making JavaSocketConnector and firefox nsisocket to notify tls
  activation on handlers received. Making JavaSocketConnector to
  implement TLS activation in a non blocking manner. Updated
  VortexTCPTransport and VortexConnection classes to conform with the
  change introduced. Checked regression tests.

* [fix] Added initial support to JavaSocketConnector to allow handling
  certificate errors (useful for test purposes..).

* [fix] Added initial code to implement certificate error handling to
  Java Socket Connector.

* [new] Added support for TLS certificate error handling to
  VortexConnection, VortexTCPTransport and Java Socket Connector.  It
  is still missing Firefox connector. Now it is possible to signal how
  certificate errors will be handled. NICE!

* [fix] Making VortexTCPTransport to better report connection refused
  while using java socket connector.

* [fix] Fixed bug inside XML engine which causing to not load
  greetings without profiles notified but using full xml node format
  <node></node>...Check regression test.

* [fix] Making VortexConnection.openChannel to setup the serverName
  connection if it was defined or the caller didn't provide a
  serverName value. Check regression tests.

* [fix] Updated reg test check for cert error handling.

* [fix] Fixed minor documentation error at JavaSocketConnector.js

* [fix] Added some debug information to channel.isReady () method.

* [fix] Making VortexBase64.decode to check if input is null or
  undefined to avoid throwing an exception.

* [fix] Fixed regression test to upgrade profiles expected values

* [fix] Updated VortexEngine.apply method to support IE8.

* [fix] Removed debug console log not required.

* [fix] Several updates to JavaSocketConnector to move all socket
  state into a java object that is returned to JavaScript rather
  storing this state into javascript members (which do not work in

* [fix] Fixed missing var declaration in foreach declarations.  Works
  on firefox but not in IE8. Now IE8 runs all jsVortex regression
  tests. Nice!!

* [fix] Fixed regression test resize issue. Fixed wrong styling in

* [fix] Checked that current version also supports google chrome.

* [fix] Adding more documenation. Still more work required.

* [fix] Several modifications to support unicode content inside BEEP
  frames. Added regression test to check support. Still more work

* [fix] Fixed support for BEEP frames with utf8 content inside.

* [fix] making regression test to detect hostname and to configure it
  into the host box.
* [fix] Several updates to allow configuring character encoding for
  the connection. Also updated java socket connector. Checked FF, IE,

* [fix] Committing signed version for the java socket connector.

* [fix] General update on JavaSocketConnector.js class to cache all
  java applet method to avoid loosing references.  Fixed
  misterious/estrange bug in FF. Checked GC and IE to work after

* [fix] Improved error connection handling while using
  JavaSocketConnector, especially while reporting host unknown.

* [fix] Making java socket connector to use runnable interface to
  implement its function.

* [fix] Updated jsvortex regtest to conform latest profile number used
  by vortex 1.1 listener regtest.

* [fix] Fixed JavaSocketConnector.js constructor to only caching
  javasocketconnector applets when running with firefox.

* [fix] Adding console.dir custom implementation when it is detectec
  console. var is defined but .dir is not.

* [fix] Removing console.dir custom implementation is not detected by

* [fix] Added missing error handling and TLS activation. Code was not
  reporting user level when channel failure was found.

* [fix] Updated PLAIN and ANONYMOUS mechanism to notify textual error
  when engine init fails.

* [new] Updated VortexConnection class to support connect timeouts.

* [fix] Initial modifications to use dojo shrinksafe to produce a
  jsVortex release that is loadable from a single small file.

* [fix] Updated make-zip.sh to use shrink safe to produce a jsVortex
  bundle into a single file. Also used shrink safe to reduce

>>>> About Us

  ASPL (Advanced Software Production Line) is a Spanish company that
  provides services and support to introduce open source products,
  especially GNU/Linux, into organization's processes.

  Since 2000, ASPL has been providing software development and support
  services to install GNU/Linux enterprise servers that provides mail,
  file and firewall services.

  Contact us, English or Spanish, to get commercial support and/or
  BEEP based development services.

  You can reach us:

       http://www.aspl.es - info at aspl.es

Francis Brosnan Blázquez           - francis at aspl.es
Advanced Software Production Line  - http://www.aspl.es
21th mar 2011, Madrid (Spain)

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