[Vortex] Looking for simple-client.py source

Francis Brosnan Blazquez francis at aspl.es
Mon Oct 22 10:36:33 CEST 2012

> Hello:

Hi Mark,

> The documentation
> (http://www.aspl.es/vortex/py-vortex/html/manual.html) for Py-vortex
> says that there is source code for simple-client.py:
> Note
> Full client source code can be found at:
> https://dolphin.aspl.es/svn/python-vortex/doc/simple-client.py

For the records, though the documentation is updated, the right link is:


> The link appears to be bad.  Can you send me source for
> simple-client.py (and simple-listener.py) if they both exist.

Ok, thanks for reporting Mark. 

It seems we lost those files when we imported the project into the
official branch. Now it is fixed. 

I've also placed a couple of links pointing to regression test full
sources (which includes all features tested, serving at the same time as
working example for those features). Check it out. 


> Thank you
> Mark Fowler
> RAM Laboratories, Inc.
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Francis Brosnan Blázquez <francis.brosnan at aspl.es>
91 134 14 22 - 91 134 14 45 - 91 116 07 57


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