[Vortex] Possible race condition between reader worker thread and TLS negotiation

David Drusowitsch ddrusowitsch at barracuda.com
Wed Oct 19 17:25:20 CEST 2016

Hi Vortex Team,

we are currently using a relatively old vortex version 1.0.5.b2830.g2831 in our applications/services.
A few weeks ago we got a bug report, one of our services was acting weird, it got dis-functional or even worse it segfaults over the day.
After a lot of investigation work, we were able to reproduce it.

Most of the time it happens in the in the region of vortex reader.
The reader struggles after trying to dispatch a previously freed connection.  Classic invalid memory access.
Our service uses multiple threads to establish secure TLS connections. Due to stability and other paranoid reasons, this is done before every data transmission.
The more threads are doing communication work, the bigger the possibility to crash.

So this is my explanation:
The connection gets renewed during TLS negotiation. A new "object" would be allocated and the other one get marked as not connected and waiting for destruction (unref).
If I understood the process of the reader correctly, a new connection gets add to the watching queue and epoll is waiting till new data is available on a socket.

If the connection "object" exchange exactly happens during the run of the reader worker thread, it could happen that it frees the "object" to soon, resulting in strange behaviours I mentioned before.
Seems the watching of the former connection was not already finished and needs at least one run through of __vortex_reader_run.
The object got freed during __vortex_reader_build_set_to_watch but it's reference still remaining as an reference entry in the private area on epoll.
What would lead to an invalid memory access during vortex_io_waiting_invoke_dispatch in further consequence.

Attached you'll find a short patch, where we moved the finally destruction of the connection towards the place dispatching finished.
This fixed out issues.
Would be possible that this issue is also present in the last release of version 1.0 (I think 1.0.17),  would be cool if you could check on this.

Best Regards,


David Drusowitsch

Software Engineer

Lassallestrasse 7A / Unit 4 / 2 • 1020 Vienna • Austria

o: +43 508-100 | ddrusowitsch at barracuda.com<mailto:ddrusowitsch at barracuda.com>

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