[Valvula] MOD-TICKET -- some notes about configuring it

Francis Brosnan Blázquez francis en aspl.es
Jue Feb 26 12:16:46 CET 2015

El mar, 24-02-2015 a las 09:41 +0100, Laurent RAYSSIGUIER escribió:
> Hello,

Hello Laurent,

> If I understand comments in this file :
> https://dolphin.aspl.es/svn/publico/valvula/plugins/mod-ticket/mod-ticket.c
> I think this script can create database structure itself.

That's right. Every module is designed to automatically install/upgrade
existing database
configuration on valvula start.

> Is there a way to launch it with database valvula user and pass to
> create the tables ?

You only have to check that your current valvula server is able to
access to the database
by running: valvulad --check-db

After that, you only have to enable the module and start valvula to make
it install/create/upgrade
the database with needed tables...

> I had create manually  domain_ticket and  ticket_plan but it seems not
> work.
> Perhaps I need to create others tables to valvula ?

These tables are never created by the user. This is something dome by
the valvula server.

Assuming you are starting valvula, and that it starts without any issue,
then, the only reasons
that could cause databases aren't created are:

1) MySQL user/passwd configured for valvula isn't able to create
databases (permission problem)
or because it not properly working (valvulad --check-db).

2) Or you didn't enable mod-ticket module. See mod-ticket.xml file is

>> ls -la /etc/valvula/mods-enabled/

> Have you a sample dump sql file to see what I must fill in database ?

You don't need to go through this process. It is something handled by
Let it create these tables for you..that way you not only solves this
particular problem you
are having, but also you are allowing valvula to upgrade your database
schema automatically
without any intervention on future releases...

See this notes before continue,
Best Regards,

Francis Brosnan Blázquez <francis.brosnan en aspl.es>
91 134 14 22 - 91 134 14 45 - 91 116 07 57


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