[Vortex] More strange behavior during MSG/ANS pattern

Yourch, Chris chris at replicus.com
Fri Oct 19 17:28:08 CEST 2007

Another related question -- Is there any kind of limit to the number of
profiles that I use? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Francis Brosnan Blazquez [mailto:francis at aspl.es] 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 11:33 AM
To: Yourch, Chris
Cc: vortex at lists.aspl.es
Subject: RE: [Vortex] More strange behavior during MSG/ANS pattern

Hi Chris,

> Is there a performance hit when doing a bunch of MSG/RPY versus

For our case, the only penalty is that all MSG issued by the server must
be answered with an RPY. With the ANS/NUL pattern, the client
application receiving the file do not have to reply to them (including
the NUL one), which saves additional cpu, thread activations to process
this unuseful RPY and bandwitdh....

The key issue here is that switching between both models is really easy.
That's nice about BEEP...

> When do think the ANS/NUL pattern will be upgraded?

It should be soon....;-)

> Thanks again for all your help!

Thanks for reporting Chris,
Francis Brosnan Blazquez <francis at aspl.es>
Advanced Software Production Line, S.L.

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