[Vortex] Logging in Vortex lib with Win32 app.

Yourch, Chris chris at replicus.com
Thu Jan 10 20:14:37 CET 2008

Since I too had trouble with getting vortex to build with SASL and TLS I
undefined the appropriate macros (ENABLE_SASL_SUPPORT,
ENABLE_TLS_SUPPORT) and still had trouble building and linking. The
reason for the compile/link trouble is that the following modules needed
the ENABLE_SASL_SUPPORT & ENABLE_TLS_SUPPORT macros defined in various
other places. Here are the updated modules, using source code updated 10
minutes ago from the SVN repository.
While I'm at it, I also added version information to libvortex.dll. To
add the version info, add the following new files to the libvortex 'src'
folder and updated the existing libvortex.vcproj file. Also, the source
code was updated 10 minutes ago from the SVN repository.
resource.h  -  added to the 'Header Files' project folder in
libvortex.rc  - added to the 'Resource Files' project folder in
libvortex.vcproj - was updated to include the above 2 files.
Chris Yourch

From: vortex-bounces at lists.aspl.es [mailto:vortex-bounces at lists.aspl.es]
On Behalf Of Mark Kane
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 10:44 AM
To: vortex at lists.aspl.es
Subject: [Vortex] Logging in Vortex lib with Win32 app.


I've been using the vortex libs in a win32 app now for several months
and I'm at a point where I'd like to enable logging to assist with

I tried calling vortex_log_enable( true ) and then checked it with
vortex_log_is_enabled(); which returns false. I then downloaded the
source and had a look through. It appears that the library has to be
built with  ENABLE_VORTEX_LOG defined in order to work. 

I've tried to build the lib using the appropriate flags to eliminate
dependence on SASL and TLS and although I can get it to build, I get
heap corruption when I run with the resulting dll. 

Any tips on building this under Visual Studio 2005? Or, is there a
binary available with logging enabled?


Mark Kane


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