[Vortex] Channel piggyback

Francis Brosnan Blazquez francis at aspl.es
Fri Nov 14 17:15:52 CET 2008

Hi Skye,

> If I wanted to send this piggyback data when I create a channel...
>       I: <start number='1'>
>       I:   <profile
>       I:       uri='http://xml.resource.org/profiles/syslog/COOKED'>
>       I:     <![CDATA[ <iam fqdn='lowry.example.com' ip=''
>       I:       type='device'/> ]]>
>       I:   </profile>
>       I: </start>
> I assume I need to use vortex_channel_new_full()
> What should I pass in profile_content parameter?  The full string inside the
> CDATA[ .. ]?

Place the content directly, without CDATA declaration. This is already
added by vortex. I've updated documentation to clearly state this.
Thanks for reporting.

> Do I use vortex_channel_get_piggyback() to fetch on the Listener?

Take a look at:

> Is there a way to pack/unpack the tags (fqdn, ip, type) using the axl
> library?

Sorry, I'm not sure I understand this. Could you explain what are you

> Thanks a lot!
> Skye
Francis Brosnan Blazquez <francis at aspl.es>
Advanced Software Production Line, S.L.

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