[Vortex] Unterminated threads

Francis Brosnan Blazquez francis at aspl.es
Mon Apr 4 11:17:54 CEST 2011

Hi Wimpie,

> These notify threads are never destroyed 

These threads should finish (they are created with detached state so,
once the function that impersonates the thread finish it should also
finish the thread itself).

In the other hand, regression tests shows these threads are terminated
for all tests where connection close is involved.

> and that gives me problems in
> my application. 

Could you give some additional details..

> Is this a bug 

It's not a bug. This was changed to avoid some dead locks while using
the Vortex API from close handler..

> or is there something I should do to
> destroy the threads manually.

...you wouldn't have to. Or I missing something or there is a bug in the
thread create handler...

Francis Brosnan Blázquez <francis.brosnan at aspl.es>
91 134 14 22 - 91 134 14 45 - 91 116 07 57


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