[Vortex] Rebol Script-Binding / Callback Problem

Francis Brosnan Blázquez francis at aspl.es
Wed Mar 16 08:32:00 CET 2011

Hi Sam,

> > >From the first time we wanted a high performance BEEP library with
> > support for parallel tasking, especially suited for servers...
> Whether threads help network server performance is debated (I'm in the
> "doesn't help" camp):
> http://www.kegel.com/c10k.html

I didn't state threads helps network server performance per se, but the
overall server performance, especially when it comes to handle several
operations including IO at the same time, and this is a well know
fact..showed by real experience with available products using different
I/O models, not only with vortex...and this is becoming more important
specially since processors includes several cores, pipelines...

> I realize I'm coming dangerously close to trolling here, sorry,

;-) don't worry..

> however, consider that zmq is internally threaded but has bindings to
> dozens of languages, including rebol:
> http://www.zeromq.org/bindings:lua
> because its threading is hidden internally and not revealed through
> the api. Binding to it is easy, so zmq is taking off.

...ok, but as everything, it has another side; zmq model, forces you to
pull for data from the API, you don't have any async notification....if
you want to cancel a wait for data operation that never comes..surprise
you can't! ..so your single threaded app is blocked for ever...

...now wait, let's fix this, I'll create a separate thread to do all 0mq
communication to avoid my app to get blocked when a single IO reply
don't come.....so, what's the point?

In the other hand, I think it is easier to build a binding for a product
that only has 10 or so API functions, don't you think?

> >> Its simple to
> >> use an event-based library in a multi-threaded app, using a
> >> multithreaded library in an event-based or single-threaded app is
> >> possibe, but not easy.
> >
> > ..you are right, however, it is hard to turn an event-based library
> into
> > a thread based library, especially at the server side, mainly
> because
> > you need lot of testing to ensure there are no races, which is the
> > natural trend in event based or single loop engines..
> Hm, well, I find that opinion surprising. Usually supporters of
> threads claim simplicity of code, better
> use of multi-core for cpu bound servers, and poor async disk i/o on
> non-windows systems.

I didn't wanted to start this thread, but yes, those are also good
reasons too....

> Threads pretty much motivate most discussions of race conditions and
> synchronization in my OS courses, and turning an event based lib into
> a multi-threaded is easy... you have multiple threads listen on the
> event queue, and voila, multi-threaded.

Uhmn.....don't agree at all.

> > I can't believe Qt does not have a similar mechanism to integrate
> with
> > thread without pain...
> Sure it does:
> https://github.com/sam-github/swirl/blob/master/qt/main.cpp
> See at the bottom where every C callback I marshall the data, post it
> to the main loop, and then in the main loop switch on event types,
> pull the data out of the message, then make my single method call to
> QT? Thats a fair amount of typing to stick a string in a window.

Ok, so this confirms QT does not have a simple mechanism if you still
need to do all this stuff..

> Painful is too strong a word, I regret it, but it is surely tedious.


> Cheers,
> Sam
Francis Brosnan Blázquez <francis at aspl.es>
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