[Vortex] Vortex API to wait for messages to be completely written to socket

Francis Brosnan Blazquez francis at aspl.es
Tue Apr 10 13:50:29 CEST 2012

> Hi 

Hi Subrahmanya,

> Vortex send APIs are asynchronous in nature. I see that SEND
> APIs (APIs to send MSG or any type of reply) simply add the message to
> queue maintained by sequencer thread. This means that if an
> application invokes a SEND API it is not guaranteed that message is
> actually written to socket. Is there a way for application to find out
> when the complete message is written to socket? 

Ok, this is a problem we tried to tackle in the past but there is no
easy solution to get a reliable notification when all the content was
written to the socket (or at least we didn't see it). This is especially
true in the TLS case where the content is even more buffered so
affirmative values returned by socket write() means nothing....

...what are you trying? why you need this?

> I searched vortex code to look for such an API and found the following
> API "vortex_channel_wait_until_sent". Does this API provide the same
> functionality that I am looking for? If so, is the API intended to
> work only for messages of type MSG or to messages of type RPY, ANS etc
> as well? The API documentation says it is an internal API but still it
> is defined .def file so I am assuming it can be used. 

Please, don't use symbols flagged as @internal. They may be removed,
renamed or internally rewritten, causing a trouble to your code...

Best Regards,

> Thanks Subrahmanya 
Francis Brosnan Blázquez <francis.brosnan at aspl.es>
91 134 14 22 - 91 134 14 45 - 91 116 07 57


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