[Vortex] About PHP BEEP client to communicate a server building with vortex

Francis Brosnan Blazquez francis at aspl.es
Mon Aug 20 15:17:06 CEST 2012

> Hello. All.

Hi Scott,

>     I am going to start a new project, whose server side will be built
> with vortex. And it needs a web site front end. My prefer web language
> is php but I googled a lot but it doesn't seems a php beep implement
> there. I found a Java BEEP one.  


>      So my question does anyone know a php beep implementation 

No, at least, a public one...

> Or maybe is there an easy way to code a raw php socket but using a
> BEEP/vortex compatible protocol so can let php and our vortex server
> talk?

I'm not sure this is an easy way, since you'll have to write and
maintain all the code required by a BEEP client. 

Maybe you could try wrapping the vortex API with php so you only have to
bridge those functions used by your app (not the entire API). 

This is something done by some closed source projects and it works.

We've also saw people identifying the invocations or "commands" required
to interact with their server, so they have written a python command
line client (with PyVortex) that implements them. Now, that client is
called by php as a system call capturing the output. This also works,
its easy to maintain and debug....

...another way, but maybe it isn't an option for you, is to write the
application directly with python (but I recommend using mod wsgi).

Hope this helps!

> Thanks
> Regards
> Scott
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Francis Brosnan Blázquez <francis.brosnan at aspl.es>
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