[Vortex] Question regarding sequence number calculations

Francis Brosnan Blazquez francis at aspl.es
Tue Dec 11 10:12:44 CET 2012

Hi Phil,

I think your numbers are right. Please, apply suggested changes and send
us a patch for review so we can integrate it into the svn. See general
instructions for this if you need them at [1].

Before sending a patch, please, check regression tests keep working (by
running ./vortex-regression-client and ./vortex-regression-listener
located under test/ directory).

Let us to know how this issue progress, Cheers!

[1] http://www.aspl.es/vortex/support.html

> I’m trying to understand something in the vortex code, namely how
> sequence numbers are calculated when they overflow.
> From the BEEP RFC, the max seq number is 4294967295 (2^32 - 1), and
> that arithmetic needs to be done modulo 4294967296 (2^32).
> I see in the vortex code that there are defines for both of these
> (MAX_SEQ_NO & MAX_SEQ_MOD) in vortex_types.h, but MAX_SEQ_MOD is never
> used.
> In the code, there are a number of places where MAX_SEQ_NO is used and
> a few places where it’s used to perform modulus arithmetic.
> Of particular concern (though admittedly, I’m no BEEP expect and I’ve
> only traced a little of the vortex code) is around line 2230 of
> vortex_channel.c, from the 1.1.12 release:
> channel->last_seq_no = ((channel->last_seq_no + frame_size) %
> (MAX_SEQ_NO));
> I think this incorrectly calculate the next seq number.  i.e. if the
> last_seq_no was 4294967295, and the frame size was 10, then (according
> to the RFC) last_seq_no should end up as 9, while this code would
> assign it to 10.
> Similarly at line 2299 of the same file:
> channel->last_seq_no_expected   = ((channel->last_seq_no_expected +
> frame_size) % (MAX_SEQ_NO)
> Like I said, I don’t really know the codebase or protocol all too
> well, so I’m a bit wary of making any modifications to the code base. 
> -Phil
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Francis Brosnan Blázquez <francis.brosnan at aspl.es>
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