[Vortex] Build questions & strange crash

Francis Brosnan Blazquez francis at aspl.es
Mon Jul 9 11:33:14 CEST 2012

Hi Robert,

> Sure, but we have a small community, so I could provide a bunch of
> those .a files as pre-compiled versions.


> > In the other hand, the LGPL license explicitly disallow this because
> > that would disable users' possibility to change the LGPL parts of the
> > project, that is, they must be used as dynamic library.
> That's not true. You can link statically with LPGL as long as you
> provide the object files and/or the source-code. Which is IMO no big
> deal. We just make it simple for the user to have to setup everything
> to compile the stuff.

Ok, I was assuming the usual LGPL .dll case..

As long as you provide all the source code and/or object files and your
code license allows to modify (the GPL/LGPL) and rebuild the entire
project, yes, you are right....

Remember it is not just including the source code and/or object files,
it must include all scripts, data files and instructions to allow an
effective modify and rebuild process.

> > I see your point Robert but knowing these issues, especially the
> license
> > one, it makes no sense to invest time on getting static versions
> only
> > for openssl...
> As said, I don't see this just for openssl but for all the other
> dependent parts as well. But anyway, I might setup a page on my
> homepage where people can collect all these things.

Good idea Robert. Let me know your progress so I can place a link to
your page. Indeed, for projects that are pure GPL/LGPL or similar, this
may be really useful...

Note that it is important to advice users of those pre-compiled static
versions that using them implies that they have to also provide the
entire source code and/or object files of the component using those .a
with the permission to modify and rebuild without restriction (the LGPL
part), otherwise, it may give the impression it can be used as usual
LGPL .dll which is not the case.

Best Regards,
Francis Brosnan Blázquez <francis.brosnan at aspl.es>
91 134 14 22 - 91 134 14 45 - 91 116 07 57


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