[Vortex] Vortex bug?

Francis Brosnan Blazquez francis at aspl.es
Fri Feb 9 13:12:16 CET 2007

El vie, 09-02-2007 a las 12:13 +0100, milton.yates at loule.info escribió:
> Hi,

Hi Milton, 

Nice to hear you again!

> I'm preparing the gentoo ebuilds for Vortex, well yes, a bit late, I
> just don't remember seeing a release mail for the 1.0 on this list...
> whatever.

This is odd [1].

> while compiling vortex, I encountered an error while compiling tests:
> /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.1/../../../../i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -ltermcap
> it appears while linking vortex-client, it is passed -ltermcap.
> I included libtermcap-compat to the previous ebuilds to provide a way
> for this to work, but for some strange reason, it does not work
> anymore. oO
> Anyway, this dependency does not seem relevant anymore because of the
> use of readline, correct me if I'm wrong.

You are right. We added it in the past because readline seems to be
linked against termcap, forcing us to get linked against it (or
something similar, I don't remember clearly). But, if nobody requires
such depedency, go ahead.

I've checked if vortex-client builds without such dependency and works
properly, so I've removed it from the Makefile.am.

> In the end, it compiles and seems to run fine without the -ltermcap in
> test/Makefile.* so I would suggest removing it.


> I'll provide a patch with the ebuild for now, as I guess this would be
> included in a future revision.

Ok. I've commited the change to the stable svn.

> I'll update libaxl and libvortex ebuilds tonight

Nice Milton, 


> cheers
> Milton. 
Francis Brosnan Blazquez <francis at aspl.es>
Advanced Software Production Line, S.L.

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